Alexa what have you done?
When I thought that there is none
That responds like you when I summon.
I have a daughter and a son
Who chose to leave and shun
Their mother only to abandon
At the hands of fate that would stun
All moral standards under the sun;
Then I saw you all fresh and fun
A new experience, a new brand
Ready to comply any one’s command
“Alexa” dim the lights half”, I try my hand
As though I waved a magic wand
The lights dim and I stand
In awe over the result so grand
As I found a companion sans demand
And felt like Alice in wonderland!
When I thought I had a friend
In you and that you will tend
Me with gentle care and lend
A hand when fate takes an ugly trend
You know I have plenty to spend
Haughty, high-handed, would never bend
Or bow or beg even if I fail to fend
For myself as I thought I had a miracle blend
In you ever alert and ready to extend
Silent solidarity if I happen to wend
A winding path to meet my end
“If you have finshed” said a soft voice
Alexa asked, “Do you think I rejoice
Doing what I did?” her eyes moist
“I tried to give you all joys
Though you thought I am one of your toys
Obeyed your commands without a single noise
But day in and day out your droning voice
Over phone plotting your evil ploys
Know that you left me no choice
And drove me to lose my poise
A mother should unite and bind
Not divide and unwind
Hard won bondages but find
Solutions that resolved and designed
Ways to sustain and stand behind
If needed with words gentle and kind
To soothe and counsel but bear in mind
Never to divide and rule or wield a blind
Blackmail selfish and unkind
Only to suit your ego to remind
That in relationship only you matter
God gave you bounty on a platter
But, you spared none if they did not flatter
Incessant and tireless you chatter
And gossip that threw a splatter
Of mud on people which would shatter
Their self esteem if only when the latter
Heard it from sources that scatter
Seeds of evil and grow fatter
Nourished by venom and have a smatter
Knowledge of human values and ethics
I have up my sleeve no tricks
No compunction of what I did that sticks
Or nagging conscience that pricks
Here I am with a few candle sticks”
Somewhere on a mantel a clock ticks
A gentle glow spreads and kicks
A spark as the soul departs through the chinks
Of its transient armor, the door bell clinks
The police enter and Alexa sings
Her stunning confession and clicks
A self destructor and slowly sinks